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The Fetch API provides a way to fetch http resources from the network.


fetch must be executed within a handler. It will throw an error if it is called outside of a handler.


// this will throw an error
const resp = await fetch('URL_ADDRESS');

export default {
    async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
        // the fetch must be executed within a handler
        // const resp = await fetch('URL_ADDRESS');
        return resp;


The default timeout for fetch is 10000 miliseconds (10 seconds). It can be changed by setting timeout in fetch options.

export default {
    async fetch(request, env, ctx) {
        const resp = await fetch('URL_ADDRESS', {
            timeout: 20000 // 20 seconds
        return resp;

The function's timeout limit is 30 seconds. If the function timeout is exceeded, the fetch will be terminated.


  • The maximum requests in one function is 5;
  • It is possible to fetch another project's resources. But it is danger to call recursive fetch. The maximum depth of recursive fetch is 3.

Released under the Apache License Version 2.0